3.5.0 (jquery)

Columns, rows

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This example shows how to configure datagrid columns:

import $ from 'jquery';
import '@activewidgets/jquery';
import { northwind } from "@activewidgets/examples/data";

const columns = [
  {header: 'Code', field: 'customerID', width: 80, style: 'background:#def', fixed: true},
  {header: 'Company Name', field: 'companyName', width: 160},
  {header: 'Contact', field: 'contactName', width: 120},
  {header: 'Title', field: 'contactTitle', width: 120},
  {header: 'Address', field: 'address', width: 120},
  {header: 'City', field: 'city'},
  {header: 'Zip', field: 'postalCode', align: 'right'},
  {header: 'Phone', field: 'phone'},
  {header: 'Fax', field: 'fax'},
  {header: 'Country', field: 'country'}

const rows = northwind.customers;

    .prop({ columns, rows })

Assign an array of column descriptor objects to the columns property.

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